Best Selling Author, Founder of University Pathways, Founder of Revedx, Founder of Compton Legacy, National Speaker, Executive Coach

A WORD FROM Principal Rahh…

”Be Humble. Be Hungry. Be Smart. The next generation of schools will need to know how to create content that can build a bridge between your school goal and family needs and desires. It's time to change the game for your school by investing in more useful, high-quality content that students and families want to engage with.”


Best Selling Author, National Speaker, Executive Coach

Amen Rahh--Principal, Speaker, and Author--is an Amazon Best-Selling Author paving the way towards educational revolution. Trained at the International Institute for Restorative Practices, he has been a leading voice in the quest to transform the education experience in America. He founded University Pathways Public Service Academy, now considered a model school for building a Restorative Community. Just two years into its establishment, and it continues to share its sweeping ideas with schools all over the country.

​Proud Compton, California native, Amen Rahh has partnered with the LA Clippers for a new basketball court, ThinkWatts for a music program, Planet Fitness for a new weight room, the FBI for an academy, and a Law firm for a youth law society. These are just a few of some of the unique experiences he has brought to his school community. Nationally known for his creation of a unique house system which he uses to increase a sense of belonging on campus. The culturally relevant house system consists of four key secondary goals named after key individuals that represent these goals. Amen Rahh is the true definition of innovation and revolution in education.

Service in Watts Amen Rahh has been servicing the students and families of Watts for over ten years. Amen Rahh trained and assisted with engineering the Boys To Gentlemen Program led by Keith Linton that services 1,000 students in Watts. Amen Rahh established a relationship with the Los Angeles Clippers to establish a new outdoor sports facility as well as a new gymnasium and garden for the community. Amen Rahh annually takes students from Watts out of the state to visit Historically Black College Universities (HBCUs) This year, he is taking two of his students to Alabama to visit key landmarks with the goal of empowering his students to achieve their goals.




Keynote, Half-Day, & Full-Day Options


Keynote - Half-Day


Virtual or In-Person Leadership Training with Administrators, Principals, and Students



We Need A Revolution!

The 6 Principles of Unlocking Your School's Hidden Treasure

PD Type: Keynote
Designed Length: 60-90 minutes
Platform: In-Person or Virtual
Target Audience:  K-12 Teachers, Staff, Students and Administrators

This keynote sets up what it takes to build a resilient school culture that can overcome any challenge. Trained at the International Institute for Restorative Practices, Principal Rahh has been a leading voice in the quest to transform the education experience in America. With his 6 principles of revolutionary education, he has upended the outdated beliefs about molding the next generation. From transforming the classroom to involving the wider community, Principal Rahh outlines how to implement real and lasting changes to your school in this powerful keynote.

6 Principles for Transformative School Leadership

PD Type: Keynote or Workshop
Designed Length: 60-90 minutes
Platform: In-Person or Virtual
Target Audience:  School Administrators and Education Leadership

Principal Rahh has done nearly impossible things with his work at University Pathways. We can all agree it is never an easy task, however with these 6 principles, Principal Rahh makes it easy to understand, implement and put into practice on Day 1!

-Restorative Practices.
-Organizational Culture
-Data Centered Culture
-Humane Oriented Teaching & Leading
-Culture and Climate
-Community-Centered School

Avoiding Leadership Pitfalls

PD Type: Keynote
Designed Length: 60-90 minutes
Platform: Virtual or In-Person
Target Audience:  Teachers, Administrators, (school and district level), Staff, and Students

Join Principal Rahh as he presents the 5 biggest obstacles you will face in transforming your school and the steps you can take to overcome them. From this session, Leaders can better equip themselves with strategies and behaviors which will allow them to make a deeper impact with their staff, teachers, and students so they can create a school focused on helping teachers and students alike.


K12 Crypto: Where Education Meets Crypto!

PD Type: Workshop
Designed Length: 60-90 minutes
Platform: In-Person or Virtual
Target Audience:  Teachers, Administrators (school and district level), Staff

In this session, Principal Rahh answers the frequently asked question, What is K12 Crypto? In short, it is a Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Platform that allows students to earn cryptocurrency based upon metrics they meet in school. Students gain custody upon graduation in which they can use the funds for college and careers. This session is geared to help educators think forward about how we inspire and reward our students in an ever-changing world to gain the results they need to succeed in it.

Prompt Engineering: The Future of Learning Using Generative AI Tools

PD Type: Workshops
Designed Length: 60 minutes
Platform: In-Person or Virtual
Target Audience:  Teachers, Administrators (school and district level), Staff

In this workshop, you will learn about the exciting field of generative AI and how it is transforming how we approach education. You will discover how AI-powered tools can be used to create personalized and engaging learning experiences for students. From AI-generated content to interactive simulations and virtual reality, you will see how these tools can help you create dynamic, interactive, memorable lessons. This workshop will be led by Principal Rahh the founder of K12 Crypto who will share his knowledge and expertise on integrating AI into your teaching practices. You will also have the opportunity to participate in hands-on activities and experimentation with the latest AI tools and technologies. By the end of the workshop, you will have a deeper understanding of the potential of AI in education and how you can use these tools to enhance your students' learning experiences. Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and join the future of education!

Breakout Topic Options:

PD Type: Workshops
Designed Length: 60-120 minutes
Platform: In-Person or Virtual
Target Audience:  Teachers, Administrators (school and district level), Staff

  • Restorative Practices - We provide dynamic workshops for schools that provide them with the tools to establish a Restorative School Community

  • Liberated Kings - A dynamic framework for unlocking the potential in black male students from K-12th

  • Trauma-Informed Practices - A framework that provides schools with Understanding, Recognizing, and Responding to Trauma.

  • Immediate Impact Organizational Leadership training - A workshop that provides leadership teams with a game plan for success.

  • Aspirational Environment - A workshop designed for schools to increase attendance in person or virtually using the 5 P's approach.

  • Building an Anti-racist Classroom - A workshop designed to dive deep into the historical, trans-generational, and current impacts of racism.

  • School Branding 101 - The 10 Keys for schools to increase enrollment and retention



“I anticipate that Revolutionary School Culture will revolutionize the culture of a plethora of schools across the U.S. as the principles of this book revolutionized the culture of Principal Rahh's school.

— Principal Baruti Kafele
Educator, Speaker, Author


“If you see yourself as a Revolutionary Educator, this book is for you. If you aren't sure if you see yourself as a Revolutionary Educator, but it is something you are striving for, this book is for you. If you know that something in your school needs to change in order to make it a space where every voice feels valued, seen, and heard, then this book is for you. This book will guide you through practices in which you can engage, to make revolutionary education a reality at your school. This book matters because we have hundreds of schools that require Revolutionary Educators.”

— Dr. Cynthia Gonzalez
Ed.D., UCLA, High School Principal

Informative and Inspiring; real and refreshing. Amen Rahh has provided us with the definitive book on leadership. If you are a leader in search of comprehensive work on how to create a revolution in education, search no more.

 — Dr.  Tyrone Howard
UCLA, Director, Center for the transformation of schools



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