Free Webinars
for Indiana Educators & Leaders
In Partnership with the Indiana Department of Education

Middle: Reimagining Small Group Instruction & Differentiation
The skills and strategies that are taught during small group are vital to student success. But how do we manage meeting the individual needs of each learner, while still creating activities that are data-based and will captivate our audience? In this session, Amelia will share “tried-and-true” strategies for maximizing the effectiveness of small group instruction. You will be guided through best practices for using data to set up and organize small groups and how to plan to get the most out of your time at the table. Join Amelia and walk out with ready-to-implement lessons that will make your small group time the most effective it can be!

Special Education: From Multisensory to Behavior Needs
Multisensory learning is important in content areas and beyond. Let’s explore multisensory learning in academics and behaviors. Learn strategies to model and teach self-regulation to students so they can learn to process their emotions in a safe environment that you’ve built.

Leaders & Coaches: When Kids Lead
Todd Nesloney has worked his entire career to help grow students into leaders and world-changers. Whether it’s through SPECIAL, Morning Meetings, Social Media Interns, Student Ambassadors, or more! Throughout this presentation, let Todd share with you the many ways that you can inspire your students to dream big and leave a mark worth remembering.

Middle: Reimagining Small Group Instruction & Differentiation
The skills and strategies that are taught during small group are vital to student success. But how do we manage meeting the individual needs of each learner, while still creating activities that are data-based and will captivate our audience? In this session, Amelia will share “tried-and-true” strategies for maximizing the effectiveness of small group instruction. You will be guided through best practices for using data to set up and organize small groups and how to plan to get the most out of your time at the table. Join Amelia and walk out with ready-to-implement lessons that will make your small group time the most effective it can be!

Middle: Student Centered Instruction to Accelerate Student Learning
Ready to take your students’ learning to new heights? Join Chris as he shares best practices to focus on holding both students and teachers accountable to maximize student growth and acceleration. This session will focus on a simplified model to make data collection and analysis meaningful and student focused. Learn powerful strategies and techniques to help make in the moment and effective instructional decisions to truly drive daily instruction of students and have them take ownership of their learning.

Special Education: Reimagining the IEP Meeting
Some practices are tried and true, and some need to be changed for the better. Let’s reimagine your IEP Meeting– plan with Liz to maximize the valuable time spent in an IEP meeting, and leave with tools that will make planning, prepping, leading, and collaborating the most effective.

Elementary: Student Centered Instruction to Accelerate Student Learning
Ready to take your students’ learning to new heights? Join Chris as he shares best practices to focus on holding both students and teachers accountable to maximize student growth and acceleration. This session will focus on a simplified model to make data collection and analysis meaningful and student focused. Learn powerful strategies and techniques to help make in the moment and effective instructional decisions to truly drive daily instruction of students and have them take ownership of their learning.

Leaders & Coaches: Be the Spark: Ignite the Love of Reading Campus Wide
Todd is passionate about igniting a love of reading on and off campus. The power comes in getting kids (and adults!) to read because they love it, not because of a test or an assignment (We’ve all been there!). Todd shares a plethora of ideas on how your campus (or classroom) can build a love of reading so everyone can experience the spark of falling in love with a good book.

Middle: Reimagining Whole Group Instruction
How can we ensure that our minilessons are packed with the components that will ensure student growth? LaNesha will walk you through strategic and engaging mini-lessons that will not only kick your instruction into high gear, but will also ensure meaningful and productive student learning from start to finish. This session will walk you through a strategic process for effective daily mini-lessons that are aligned to your standard and engaging for students. Get ready to AMP UP differentiation in your classroom with creative and high-impact ways to ensure we are meeting the needs of each student!

Special Education: Fostering Collaboration with the Whole IEP Team
Teamwork makes the dreamwork, right? What happens when not everyone comes to the team with that mentality? During this webinar we will go through ideas to foster a collaborative environment as a leader of an IEP team, setting up educators and students alike for success.

Elementary: Reimagining Whole Group Instruction
How can we ensure that our minilessons are packed with the components that will ensure student growth? LaNesha will walk you through strategic and engaging mini-lessons that will not only kick your instruction into high gear, but will also ensure meaningful and productive student learning from start to finish. This session will walk you through a strategic process for effective daily mini-lessons that are aligned to your standard and engaging for students. Get ready to AMP UP differentiation in your classroom with creative and high-impact ways to ensure we are meeting the needs of each student!

Leaders & Coaches: Growing a Green Light Culture that Fosters a Love for Literacy
Are you struggling to build a love for literacy in your school? Maybe it's not the curriculum or instruction, maybe it's the culture of your school! In this session, you will walk about with the blueprint on how to build a GREEN LIGHT culture in your school! This culture will foster a love for literacy, encourage risk taking and grow today's readers that will become tomorrow's leaders!

Middle: Efficient Planning for Effective Instruction
How do we ensure that we are moving the academic needle for our learners within every academic lesson? Join Hope as she walks you through a simplified approach to planning where you will prioritize your essential standards and create an effective plan for target, task, and assessment alignment for each indicator. But we all know successful planning doesn’t end there. How do we set every student up for optimal success with mastery of each essential standard? The key is intentional enrichment and remediation. So let’s dive into some simple strategies that will lead to efficient planning for effective instruction.

Special Education: IEP Goal Getter: Efficient and Effective Organization
There seems to be a never-ending stream of data collection, organizing, and progress monitoring in the world of special education - the paperwork never ends! But what if we told you there was a way to streamline the entire process? Join Liz as she provides you with tips and strategies to organize all of the documentation that comes with being a special education teacher.

Elementary: Efficient Planning for Effective Instruction
How do we ensure that we are moving the academic needle for our learners within every academic lesson? Join Hope as she walks you through a simplified approach to planning where you will prioritize your essential standards and create an effective plan for target, task, and assessment alignment for each indicator. But we all know successful planning doesn’t end there. How do we set every student up for optimal success with mastery each each essential standard? The key is intentional enrichment and remediation. So let’s dive into some simple strategies that will lead to efficient planning for effective instruction.

Leaders & Coaches: Building Lifelong Readers
Do we want our students to just read for tonight's homework or do we want to truly build lifelong readers? In this session, we will dive into simple and effective solutions that will not only increase your reading proficiency rates but that will build excitement for reading. Excitement that grows community support, a culture of literacy in your school and lifelong readers that will go out and make a difference in our world!

GYTO’s Backstage Pass to Your Best Instruction
Join the Get Your Teach On Team - Hope and Wade King, Chris Pombonyo, LaNesha Tabb, and Amelia Capotosta for a kick-off event to jumpstart your year and get you prepared and ready to create simple systems and processes that will elevate your instructional practices and increase student engagement and achievement in your classroom from start to finish. How do you prioritize the things that will have the greatest impact for our students? How do you keep yourself and your students motivated all year long to reach goals? Join us on September 7th as we prepare you to attack some of today’s top challenges in your classroom.