GYTO Impact Stories
School Administrators
2nd Grade Teacher & GYTO Presenter
5th Grade Teacher & Gold Star Teacher of the Year
Attendees Turned Magic Squad Members

Collaboration Site Partner Stories
Henry S. Evans Elementary
Walt Disney Elementary

Hear from Attendees
Considering attending an upcoming Get Your Teach On conference? Thinking about booking a GYTO Speaker or Mini GYTO Experience? Hear from past attendees first hand about their Get Your Teach On Experience!

We surveyed our 2022 National Conference attendees one year later to see how the conference impacted their teaching and schools. These are the results!
Survey Says…
Attending the 2022 GYTO National Conference inspired me heading into the 2022-2023 school year.
Attending the 2022 GYTO National Conference
prepared me for the 2022-2023 school year.
Attending gave me strategies that helped increase student engagement, achievement, and buy-in.
How often did you use tools or strategies shared at GYTO with your students this school year?
Session Engagement Rating
(out of 10 points)
Session Content & Applicability Rating
(out of 10 points)
2023 National Conference Attendees
Compared to other professional development conferences, how would you rate the Get Your Teach On National Conference overall?
Compared to other professional development conferences, how would you rate the engagement at Get Your Teach On?
Compared to other professional development conferences, how would you rate the attendee swag?
Compared to other professional development conferences, how would you rate the sessions and workshops at Get Your Teach On?
After attending the conference, how often do you feel you’ll be able to implement the strategies learned at Get Your Teach On in your school or classroom?
Do you plan on attending a future
GYTO National Conference?

Get Your Teach On National Conference
Attendee Reviews
“GYTO Lead on Conference gave me ideas to transition from teacher to administration. I was able to pocket some strategies for increasing teacher engagement, leading PLC's and meetings, and intentional use of data.”
Amanda H., LEAD On Attendee, Florida
“I gained instructional strategies that have impacted my students profoundly this year. My student affirmation mirror is used daily by my firsties and they are so proud to find something positive to say about themselves each morning. Lanesha Tabb writing is used in my class daily as well and I have seen such growth this year.”
Mary M., K-1st Grade Attendee, Arkansas
“Nationals was so important this year, it fueled me as an educator and gave me the inspiration and tools necessary to navigate through, what has been, a difficult year for me. Whether its creating small learning moments in class to get out of the norm or just remembering the inspiring words. It definitely helped me a lot!”
Narlin E., 2nd Grade Attendee, Texas
“Attending GYTO gave me new tools to utilize in my classroom and definitely inspired me and reminded me why I began teaching in the first place!”
Courtney L., 3rd Grade Attendee, Virginia
“After a tough year, GYTO provided me with tools and strategies to not only get my students engaged, but to keep me motivated. It reminded me of my "why" and allowed my passion for teaching to continue to flourish.”
Danielle F., 3rd Grade Attendee, Illinois
“GYTO made a world of difference for me. It was so nice to meet with other educators who want to make a difference.”
Kelly J., 4th Grade Attendee, Texas
“I cannot wait to attend another GYTO conference. It was the best experience!”
Shannon D., K-1st Grade Attendee, Indiana
“The GYTO conference was the best one I have ever been to and feel everyone should go at least once.”
Rosita D., Middle School Attendee, Florida
“I learned so many things that I could immediately bring back to my classroom.”
Kimberly D., 5th-6th Grade Attendee, South Carolina
“I love the way you celebrate the professional. For some reason, education has a target on its back right now even though we worked through some of the toughest times in education history. GYTO gets it right by celebrating who we are, and what we do.”
Thomas C., LEAD On Attendee, New York
“I felt that attending GYTO gave me a new perspective in school and towards students. I was and still am, very energetic about coming to work every day. I am hoping to attend next year.”
Kori B., Middle School Attendee, New Mexico
“It motivated me during a time when I was ready to quit and change careers.”
Panagiotis Z., Special Education Attendee, North Carolina
Get Your Teach On Regional Conference
Attendee Reviews
I am so inspired about teaching again!! THANK YOU! I am close to retiring and feel like I want to hang in there for a few more years with the inspiration and love I felt being at this conference!”
Kimberly G., GYTO Charlotte Attendee
“This was my first time attending and I fell in LOVE with everything! I came back to my 1st grade babies rejuvenated!”
Christy C., GYTO Charlotte Attendee
“GYTO is the BEST conference I've ever attended. I left feeling empowered, not overwhelmed. It was evident that every minute was carefully crafted so that educators were left with an abundance of resources and new ideas... things that we could take back to our classroom and incorporate immediately, without extra hours of preparation. Attending this conference helped me to realize my 'why'... it reminded me of my purpose... it lit a spark that I haven't felt in a while.”
Erica S., GYTO Charlotte Attendee
“Overall, this was the best conference I have attended in a very long time. My notepad was almost completely full of great ideas, notes, and inspirations!”
Frank S., GYTO Charlotte Attendee
“GYTO Vegas was an amazing experience and the staff did wonderful at everything! LOVED IT!!!!”
Morgan H., GYTO Las Vegas Attendee
“Thank you for organizing such an energizing conference. It is exactly what I need at this time of the school year.”
Ginger H., GYTO Las Vegas Attendee
“I absolutely loved my time at GYTO. The overall positive vibe left me feeling inspired and surrounded by my kind of people. The aesthetic was amazing! The people were amazing...presenters, Magic Squad, and attendees. You have really created a fantastic experience…Thank you, sincerely, for all of the hard work everyone at GYTO put in to make this such an enjoyable and informative experience!”
Dawn D., GYTO Las Vegas Attendee
“PositiveThis was the best conference I have attend in my 31 years of teaching”
Ronda R., GYTO Las Vegas Attendee
“I really enjoyed all of the conferences and loved all the presenters, they all had many experiences and activities to share with us that I know I will be implementing in my classroom!!! Thank you for organizing such amazing event.”
Ericka C., GYTO Las Vegas Attendee
“I loved my first teaching conference so much! Even though I have not started using the materials yet, I can already see a difference in my classroom just after the confidence boost I received!!!”
Tayler S., GYTO Atlanta Attendee
“I was thrilled to have the opportunity to enjoy this conference. I was able to get so much out of it and would do another one in a heartbeat!”
Jasmine W., GYTO Atlanta Attendee
“This conference has offered more immediately applicable ideas, strategies, and procedures than any other I have ever attended. Within the first two days of returning to my classroom, I have been able to implement new writing tasks to raise critical thinking, simplify chants, and call and responses that get students focused quickly and to incorporate a more efficient data collection method to move students in a timely manner. This conference has changed my teaching forever!”
Melonie P., GYTO Atlanta Attendee
“GYTO is one of the best conferences that I have attended in years. It was jam packed with lots of strategies to come back to my school and implement. It has already sparked lots of conversations with teachers to think about things just a little differently.”
Whitney Y., GYTO Atlanta Attendee
“I thought it was an amazing experience for my staff and leadership. We would love to return when you come back to ATL.”
Camille A., GYTO Atlanta Attendee
“GYTO was the best professional development experience I’ve had! And it truly was an “experience.” All of the sessions were relevant and engaging. The presenters were so knowledgeable, creative, and energetic! It was great to be with educators from all over the country that share grade levels. Thank you!”
Karen G., GYTO Atlanta Attendee
“Loved how all of the sessions were jam packed with useful information and strategies. Very engaging sessions! Loved the magic squad members. They truly are very magical!”
Anna B., GYTO Atlanta Attendee
“GYTO continues to serve teachers with the most relevant and current content. Each presenter is authentically passionate about their focus and ready to answer questions or provide suggestions. You cannot leave this GYTO unchanged. Thank you for providing us with the ultimate “uncommon experience” so that we can pour into our students with the same energy and passion that you have poured into us!”
Jessica H., GYTO Atlanta Attendee
Get Your Teach On Speaker & In-School Professional Development Reviews
“Thank you for serving us! What HOPE, WADE and the GET YOUR TEACH ON TEAM provide for us is more than what I could have ever asked for in my teaching career! The community, the friendships, the laughs, the joy, the fire, the new learning, and everything in between is so special in this organization that is now near and dear to my heart! I’m so glad I bit the bullet and decided on a whim to join all of you at your conference. It was seriously one of the best moments in my life that I will NEVER forget. Thank you for pouring your blood, sweat, and tears into GYTO! I hope to join you and all the other incredible people and educators again soon!"
Dana Benn, Teacher
“Hope and Wade King are truly an inspiration. Having them at our school was amazing! They exuded energy and a passion for education. The money spent for professional development would be the best investment a school could make for their teachers.”
Vicki Reding, Teacher, West Bay Elementary
“So incredibly thankful for y’all. So inspiring at such the perfect time. No matter how many times I listen to y’all, I still walk away with pages of notes, more ideas, more ‘ah ha’ moments, more love, and more love for my profession. Thank you doesn’t seem enough at all, but thank you to the end and back!!”
Ashley Robertson, Principal, James M. Brown Elementary
“Chris Pombonyo is an inspiring educator whose talent lifts the lives of those around him. As a speaker, Chris is passionate and dynamic, yet also honest and vulnerable, which makes him relatable and encouraging to his audience. He has been a recurring guest speaker in our teacher preparation program because he energizes our future teachers like no other. Our students will show up anytime and anywhere to learn from Chris!”
Dr. Taylor Wenzel, Associate Professor, University of Central Florida
“Literally sat in the lobby after your session with my ELA team and brainstormed how we can change our lessons to include more social studies. You our presentation was a game-changer for me. Just wow. Thank you!”
Jennifer P., Teacher
“Set the Stage to Engage has been a game changer for me! It helped me get through my first year teaching 6th grade. My students loved when I would dress up or transform the room. They wanted more and loved coming to my class! I want to be a wave maker and have that ripple effect, and Set the Stage to Engage has guided me on that journey.”
Jennifer Reeves, Teacher, Angus Valley Elementary
“I have had the pleasure of listening to LaNesha Tabb present at several different conferences. LaNesha’s content is so relevant because she a full time kindergarten teacher just like me. Once my district pushed us to a 90 minute reading block science and social studies were practically cut from my curriculum. LaNesha believes that little kids can tackle big topics. Because of her resources and guidance I have brought back social studies curriculum in my classroom.As a kindergarten teacher I have always struggled to find a meaningful way to teach writing to my students. For years I sat in back to school meetings and said my goal for the year was to be a better writing teacher. After watching LaNesha do the writing process chant with her kindergarten class I was sold. I loved that the students purpose for writing wasn’t just in response to some prompt. Instead they were creating a book! I also appreciate that her writing process is a framework and not a program so the students have a lot of choice. One of my biggest goals as a kindergarten teacher is to build student independence so I don’t have 27 hands up saying Miss Forney! After hearing LaNesha present I was actually excited to start writing with my kids. The best part of being a part of LaNesha’s professional development is her passion. She found something that worked for her and her students and now she wants to share it with other teachers!”
Kellie Forney, Educator, Indiana
“When I first heard Flaget was selected as an Indiana Collaboration Site, I was pumped for the dynamic and energetic experience I knew we were going to have. I was impressed with the way the support we received was individualized for our school, and my teachers felt they were part of the planning process from Day 1. All coaching provided by Chris and the GYTO team was specific to our school and the challenges we were facing, even those that popped up unexpectedly throughout the year. What I didn't expect was the deep rooted change in the climate and culture of our building. Even those who were encouraged to work outside of their comfort zone (both teachers and students) did so with a smile on their faces. My team has come together as co-workers and as friends in a way I would have never imagined would come from this experience. We have learned so much and had a ton of fun along the way! This experience has also been felt throughout our community as we have had an increase in the number of applicants for our open positions. I cannot be more grateful that we were given this opportunity by the IDOE and GYTO. The positive results are both seen and felt.”
Samantha McClure, Principal, Flaget Elementary
”The Indiana Get Your Teach On Collaboration has been the most amazing blessing in a challenging year of education! Chris has given our #901ohana family a sense of energy, excitement, and so many strategies that we have implemented to build student success! We have seen growth in our practices as well as student achievement! We are looking forward to continuing implementation of what we have learned this year!”
Dr. Lyndsi Smith, Principal, Pettit Park Elementary
”I wanted to take a moment and say thank you for your work with Test this year! We could not have done it without you! Thank you for giving me guidance, perspective, and a recharge of excitement to be in education. I look forward to moving forward! Ashley and I spent a lot of time creating new partnerships of teachers for next year and are so excited to see what the new year has to offer us. Thank you again for all you have done.”
Katie Belanga, School Counselor, Test Intermediate School

Annual Report
Survey Data: One Year Later survey data collected 5/2/23-5/5/23 via Google Forms survey sent via email to 2022 National Conference attendees. 2023 National Conference survey data collected 7/1/23-7/21/23 via Google Forms survey sent via email to 2023 National Conference attendees.