Emmy Award Winning
Early Childhood and Elementary STEM Expert


He’s a bestselling author, STEM educator and television personality branded by TIME Magazine as one of their “most influential people of the year” because of his passion to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers.

With more than 1,600 television appearances and multiple Emmy awards to his credit, Steve is also a regular guest on the Ellen DeGeneres Show where she dubbed him America’s Science Teacher. Steve’s catalog of videos featured on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and now TikTok have more than 1 billion views, and his books and online experiments are widely used by parents and educators to increase student engagement and inspire young scientists to learn more about STEM-based careers.

Teachers from all walks of life love Steve Spangler and his passion for education. His message about the importance of creating experiences that connect and engage resonates with anyone connected to education. Steve is a popular speaker at state and national education conferences, association meetings, school district events, administrator retreats, STEM conferences and any other event where participants are focused on engaging and connecting at the highest level.

Nationally known as a teacher’s teacher, Steve travels extensively training teachers in ways to make learning more connected and engaging in the 21st century classroom. Steve’s in-person and virtual professional development workshops focus on inquiry-based learning that highlight best practices for classroom teachers with research-guided strategies for purpose-driven engagement. He challenges today’s educational leadership to provide professional development that gives teachers the skills needed to build connections that engage and inspire students to think differently and solve problems using a new level of creativity.

But Steve Spangler feels most at home when he’s on stage sharing insights and creating those amazing experiences audiences remember for a lifetime. Steve brings over 25 years of experience (5,500+ presentations) to the platform every time he speaks. In July 2010, members of the National Speakers Association inducted Steve into the prestigious Speaker Hall of Fame. He is among an elite group of only 224 professional speakers in the world to receive this honor.



Best Day Ever – The Art & Science of Creating Unforgettable Learning Experiences

Steve Spangler is the science teacher you always wanted in school. Without warning, things would fizz, pop and explode and the next thing you know his students were chanting “Best day ever!” But something else happened… amidst all that fun, Steve discovered that his students engaged at a higher level, listened with greater intention and were eager to learn more.

During this entertaining and inspirational presentation, Steve will teach you that the best day ever is more than just a feeling or emotion, it’s a powerful principle that helps educators create experiences that stimulate engagement at the highest levels and help students build connections that spark critical thinking and creativity.

In this presentation, attendees will…

  • Explore simple engagement strategies to build amazing connections

  • Unlock the power of the scientific mindset

  • Decode the untapped elements of STEM

  • Harness the power of purpose-driven engagement

  • Leave with a rekindled sense of hope and purpose

You’ll discover the secret to achieving higher student engagement is to create purpose-driven experiences that captivate, fascinate and stimulate inquiry… all at the same time.

By the end of the presentation, you’ll be inspired to connect differently, challenged to think differently and committed to engage differently as you set out to create your own BEST DAY EVER experiences.



These breakout sessions are a perfect complement to Steve Spangler’s keynote presentation and a great opportunity for your participants to interact with Steve in a smaller, more hands-on learning environment.

All of Steve’s breakout sessions support these 5 learning outcomes:

  • Use engagement strategies to build strong connections between educational concepts, hands-on experiences, and real-world applications

  • Develop inquiry-based activities that strengthen critical thinking skills and challenge students to ask the important “Why?” questions

  • Integrate the 4 C’s (communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity) into every STEM experience

  • Become a more effective STEM teacher without having to spend more money

  • Teach science with greater impact, influence and conviction

Exploding Soda and Flying Potatoes – How to Teach STEM Like a Rockstar

Audience: K-12 Time: 60-90 minutes

How to Teach STEM like a Rockstar is a laughter-filled presentation packed with Steve Spangler’s favorite eye-catching demonstrations, audience participation, and the tools you’ll need to have a greater impact in the classroom.  Learn how use Steve’s five amazing secrets to enhance your curriculum and develop a more creative learning environment.  Discover how amazing teachers cope with change and use humor in the classroom to reduce stress and rekindle the joy of teaching.  Most importantly, learn how build connections between educational concepts, hands-on experiences, and real-world applications.

STEM for Little Sprouts – Connecting Science with Children’s Literature

Audience: Early Childhood to Grade 2 Time: 60-90 minutes

Early childhood educators know that getting children excited about science is only part of the challenge. Today’s young learners need more than excitement and motivation – they need opportunities to actually DO more science on a daily basis. Get ready for Steve Spangler to turbo-charge your sense of wonder and get your creative ideas flowing as he shares his best practices from classroom-tested activities that teach and motivate children to really do science.

Throughout the presentation, Steve explores a variety of techniques and presentation ideas for connecting science with popular children’s literature.  Explore a number of great science ideas that encourage children to “play with a purpose.”  Learn how to use elements of the story line to teach and reinforce fundamental building blocks of your science curriculum. You will uncover the secrets of developing your own unique presentation style that makes young learner want to learn more.

By the end of this session, you’ll be ready to create a collection of STEM experiences your scientists will never forget.

Amazing STEM Experiences on a Shoestring Budget

Audience: Grades K-8 Time: 60-90 minutes

This fast-paced presentation is filled with Steve Spangler’s trademark high-energy enthusiasm, how-to techniques and engagement strategies that are guaranteed to get the creative ideas flowing.  You’ll uncover the coolest science treasures at places like Walmart, Home Depot, the Dollar General and your local grocery store. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself saying, “How does he think of this stuff?”

Take home more than a dozen new ideas using simple to find materials, a little ingenuity and a splash of your own creativity. Learn how to create hands-on experiences that promote exploration and strengthen critical thinking skills while keeping the level of engagement and the fun factor at an all-time high.

Steve will also share some free online resources from his SICK Science series and the engagement strategies that he learned as an official YouTube partner and contributor to their EDU development team. Learn how to integrate the full catalog of SICK Science videos into nearly every aspect of your curriculum while supporting the Next Generation Science Standards. You’ll leave this session with the knowledge, presentation skills and tools to make science a favorite part of your teaching day.


Thank you for your interest in booking a private professional development experience! A member of our team will contact you soon!